
Adding a Suffix to Any Word

We can divide the adding suffixes in to four categories:

  1. The word ending with Silent 'e'
  2. The word ending with One Vowel and One Consonant
  3. The word ending with 'y'
  4. Other cases


1. The word ending with Silent 'e'

Generally, when adding a suffix, the silent e at the end of a word should be dropped. However, if the terminal e is added to maintain the softening of c or g, then this e cannot be removed when adding a suffix.

2. The word ending with One Vowel and One Consonant

The consonant letter at the end of a word should be doubled when all of the following conditions are met:

  • The word ends with a vowel letter + a consonant letter
  • The syllable at the end of the word is stressed
  • The added suffix starts with a vowel letter

Specifically, if the whole word only has one syllable, then this syllable must be the stressed syllable, so the second condition above must hold.

For example:

let + ing -> letting

big + est -> biggest

run + ing -> running

star + ing -> starring

sitr + ed -> stirred

blur + y -> blurry

3. The word ending with 'y'

When the word ends with y, if the following conditions are met, then y should be changed to i:

  • The y at the end of the word is the vowel letter y
  • The suffix does not start with i

For examples:

The word needs to change y to i:

try + es -> tries

baby + s -> babies

happy + ness -> happiness

puppy + es -> puppies

Because it is not a vowel y, so we do not need to change y to i:

boy + s -> boys

play + er -> player

Because the suffix starts with i, so we do not need to change y to i:

baby + ish -> babyish

cry + ing -> crying

worry + ing -> worrying

study + ing -> studying


1. The word ending with Silent 'e'

behave + ing

behave 末尾的 e 应该去掉,因此 behave + ing = behaving。

courage + ous

courage 末尾的 e 是为了保持 g 的软化而存在的,因此 e 不能去掉,所以 courage + ous = courageous。

oblige + ation

虽然 oblige 的 e 是为了保持 g 的软化而存在的,但是在加 ation 后, obligation 中的 g 读作 /g/,不需要软化,因此 e 可以去掉。所以 oblige + ation = obligation。

2. The word ending with One Vowel and One Consonant

travel + ed

因为结尾不是重音,所以不需要双写 l,所以 travel + ed = traveled。

control + ing

因为结尾是重音,所以需要双写 l,所以 control + ing = controlling。

3. The word ending with 'y'

temporary + ly

temporary 末尾的 y 是单元音 y,所以应该变成 i,所以 temporary + ly = temporarily。

employ + ment

employ 末尾的 y 不是单元音 y,所以不需要变成 i,所以 employ + ment = employment。

4. Other cases

walk + ed

不属于前三种情况,直接加 ed,所以 walk + ed = walked。

support + ed

不属于前三种情况,直接加 ed,所以 support + ed = supported。

c 和 g 的软化

In English, c and g can be softened. When a letter e, i, y follows c or g, c and g will be softened. For example:

center, circle, icy, accent, accident, agency, germ, ginger, giant, gym, allergy.

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