
Guessing Meeaning from Context

When coming across a word we don't understand, we can use context clues to guess its meaning, that is, to use the words surrounding the unknown word to help determine its meaning.

Types of Context Clues:

  • Synonym
  • Antonym and Contrast
  • Example
  • General Knowledge


A synonym is a word or phrase that means the same or almost the same as another word.

You may discover the meaning of an unknown word because it repeats an idea expressed in familiar words nearby.

Signals of synonyms in the text:

  • be called
  • that is
  • also known as
  • similar to

Antonym and Contrast

Two words that are opposite in meanings are antonyms of each other.

This type of clues tells you the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases by showing you what they're not.

Signals of antonyms in the text:

  • but
  • although
  • unlike
  • however


We can have a general idea of what an unknown word means if an example of the word is given within a sentence, or in the following sentence.

Signal of example in the text:

  • such as
  • for instance
  • like
  • including

General Knowledge

Sometimes, the meanings of words are not directly described, but need to be inferred from the context.

This relies on our general knowledge and common sense.

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